Saturday, February 25, 2006

Procrastination Works?

Why is it that I feel I must wait until the very last minute in order to get an assignment or job done? I don't know what it is. The very fact that I am here blogging instead of finishing a paper gives full evidence to the depth of my demise.

However, I cannot help but sit here and think how tragic it is that so many people do just the same each and every day...yet, they are not procrastinating on an assignment, they are procrastinating on life. Unique...different...purposefully...God created each of us with various oddities and gifts that make us uniquly...well, us. How unfortunate it is when we procrastinate in life, putting off those dreams and desires that resonate deep in our hearts simply so we can fit into the mold of the life that is going on around us.

Wouldn't it be great if we would quite putting off those things that we only dream about? Wouldn't it be amazing to see people who lay aside those things that hinder and run passionately towards those things that matter most?

Well, that is where I am. And that is my first post!